Thursday, December 14, 2006

No really what did happen?

This morning as I was reading articles at I came across an amazing article about Christianity, sometimes I think it is crazy how many people out there are like minded about the critiques of modern Christianity; its like the Holy Spirit is moving us as a whole towards another reformation of sorts. Anyway check out Bakker, Brown: What the hell happened to Christianity?


ronpie said...

That was actually a cool article. The Bakker kid is kind of cool. I've always wanted to hold church on a sunday morning at a bar. How cool would that be?

Anonymous said...

I downloaded podcasts of the Bakker episodes on the sundance channel's website. It was pretty cool but I wish I could see the whole episode.

I'm blogging again. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

You should check out a book called "The Myth of A Christian Nation". The subtitle is something like this...

"why the struggle to gain political power is killing the evangelical movement in America" or something like that.

I read parts of it at Barnes & Noble. Some great points are made, along the lines of the article you linked.

Anonymous said...

You can download the six talks that Sam that Gregory Boyd gave that inspired the book. I think like 1,000 people left his church when he was done preaching the series. Some of it was amazing and towards the last talk there was some stuff that was fuzzy for me. I was encouraged at his boldness and Rob Bell is doing something similar right now with his series he did in December called "calling all peacemakers." If you want to save money on buying a book I just google Gregory Boyd and I think the series was called "the cross and the sword" or "the sword and the cross."

Anonymous said...

Sorry about my bad grammar in the first sentence I meant to say something like "the six talks that inspired the book that Sam is talking about."