Monday, December 11, 2006


The other day I found this sweet poem by John Newton:

Zeal is that pure and heavenly flame
The fire of love supplies;
While that which often bears the name
Is self in a disguise.

True zeal is merciful and mile,
Can pity and forbear;
The false is headstrong, fierce and wild,
And breathes revenge and war.

While zeal for truth the Christian warms,
He knows the worth of peace;
But self contends for names and forms,
Its party to increase.

1 comment:

Matt Martinson said...

The line "its party to increase" reminds me of American christianity and The Prayer of Jabez. While I definitely think this poem is true (I find more truth in poetry than theology), the hard part is seeing how much our own religion is based on self rather than God. It's easier to see the speck than the plank for most of us. Yet that speck still needs to go...