Sunday, March 19, 2006

What God

What God
What God would create this world with the power of his hand
Then leave it to be destroyed by the selfish greed of man
What God would sit in heaven while men suffer in pain
What God would allow countries to starve for simple lack of rain
What God allows sin to hurt so many precious lives
When He’s looking down upon us, do you think He ever cries

What God
What God would create a diamond from dirty worthless coal
And put into the hearts of fallen men a divine imprint on the soul
What God would let us ask questions whose answers can’t be found
What God would hear our cries to Him and not utter back a sound
What God allows himself to feel so very distant
When only in His presence can we be truly content

What God
What God looked down and saw our broken and lonely state
Then sent His only Son to die in love to conquer hate
What God saw who we really were and loved us anyway
What God chose our salvation over his sons life that day
What God watched his son become the sacrificial lamb
What God is this, my Lord and King, He is the great I AM

by Kurt Allen Ingram

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